Why switching to a solar freezer can conserve what you spend and consume.
Studies show that solar energy is the most abundant source on earth and the fastest growing energy source globally. Interestingly, just under three weeks of sunshine can deliver the same amount of energy as the combined global output of coal, natural gas, and oil. The benefits to our planet are undeniable, but what are the advantages to a person or household?
Let’s look at the fantastic benefits of switching to a solar freezer for a person, family or small food business.
1. Reduction in wastage due to blackout resistance
Rolling blackouts or power outages due to weather or maintenance work are real. While a home or small food business can cope without lights for a while, the negative impact of throwing away food that has defrosted and spoiled is something one wants to avoid.
A solar freezer safeguards your home or food business from this risk and potentially saves a lot of money. The cost to replace a full freezer of food (there is a cost to buy new ingredients plus the travel cost) compounds over time. With a solar freezer system, the home will have 24 – hour refrigeration and 4-7 days of cooling even if there is no sunlight.
2. Increased safety in the home
AC power is a much higher safety risk to a home than solar appliances due to the high voltage requirements of AC power. The high voltage of regular electricity can pass through a person and shock them.
Voltage-related deaths and injuries frequently occur in homes with minor children, and no doubt, switching to a solar freezer and, if possible, a fridge will help keep the family safe and away from potential electrification issues.
3. Decreased environmental impact
Any steps a home can take to move away from reliance and consumption of burning coal, and therefore fossil fuels, is a positive contribution to the environment.
An example of how a person or household still on the grid can make a significant positive change is to ensure they keep all electric appliances, light switches etc., off until it is necessary to switch them on. If you adopt this practice and have a solar freezer and fridge, you can save a significant amount on what you have been consuming in coal without wasting any food.
4. Easy to use
Solar freezers are a wonder in that they are straightforward to install and use.
There is a perception that anything solar is expensive, complicated and timely to install, but the reality with a solar freezer is that it’s as simple as linking it up to its charging ports.
5. Cost saving
This needs little detail other than you will save roughly 40% in energy consumption costs with a solar freezer.
These are just a few top benefits of switching to solar freezers for your home or food business. Contact us today at +234 913 352 3517or submit your details on our website and we’ll be in touch with you.